"Londoner" - Links

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"Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 18:06

so und wie überall komme auch hier links rein. :lol:
(die ich halt noch gefunden hab im alten forum und die noch funktionieren)


von Urs am 19. August 2006, 18:07
Urs hat geschrieben:So das gigantisch geile Wicked-Poster ist nun fertig:


Mehr Bilder findet ihr hier!

tickets london
Zuletzt geändert von lunalunaris am So 31. Jan 2010, 18:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

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von Anzeige » So 31. Jan 2010, 18:06


Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 18:09

*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

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Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 18:11

hier übernehm ich gleich den ganzen beitrag:

von Noor am 30. September 2006, 14:31
Noor hat geschrieben:Quelle: London Musicals Online

Fans are loving it. The Americans are loving it. So what about the critics?
Last night, Wicked had its opening night after 3 weeks in previews. Judging by the full houses and standing ovations every night during previews, it seems that the British public has enjoyed the musical and warmed to it. Reviews made by musical theatre fans have been mixed, but most people seem to enjoy the London production of Wicked. So what are the critics’ views on this new musical? We have had a look at today’s papers to see how Wicked was received.

The Independent
Paul Taylor from The Independent thinks that the Broadway hit fails to cast spell: - The Wonderful Wizard (a very poor Nigel Planer) is exposed early on as fraudulent coward, who because he can't read his own spell-literature, has to unite the country by demonising sections of the community - animals, Munchkins etc.
I enjoyed very little apart from the delicious Miriam Margolyes, all embonpoint and Barbara Cartland face as Madame Morrible, mistress of the magic academy. The songs sound like dozens you've heard before. The acting is, by and large, appalling. The book is aimed uncertainly at several constituencies. The production manages to feel at once overblown and empty. As the crowds heaved up for air during the interval, a lady next to me asked: "Are you liking it." "I'm afraid I'm not," I replied. There was a ghastly pause. "Well everyone else is!" she barked. I fear the show's message about the need to assert the right to be different may not be getting across.

(Source: The Independent)

The Times
Benedict Nightingale from The Times gave the performance 2 out of 5 stars and is not convinced: - It’s a spin-off from The Wizard of Oz that so thoroughly whitewashes the Wicked Witch of the West that I was left feeling about the show the way Lord Voldemort feels about Harry Potter. (…) Songs bang out, along with iffy lyrics and not-so-witty dialogue. Menzel’s Elphaba rises to the flies amid shafts of rainbow light. (…) I’d rather see The Wizard of Oz 20 times than this ersatz show once.
(Source: The Times)

The Guardian
Although The Guardian’s reviewer, Michael Billington, criticise the musical for being too commercial and not something that touches the heart, he admits that the show is performed and directed well: - But, although it has been a hit in New York, it seems all too typical of the modern Broadway musical: efficient, knowing and highly professional but more like a piece of industrial product than something that genuinely touches the heart or mind.
Worse still, the musical decides it has to make a public statement about the importance of sisterhood. In the least beguiling number in the show, Elphaba and Glinda jointly and unconvincingly assert: "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

Admittedly, the show is well performed. As Elphaba, Idina Menzel possesses lungs of brass and displays the vulnerability of the congenital loner. Helen Dallimore's Glinda is very funny as the peachy blonde who begins by announcing "it's good to see me, isn't it" and gradually evolves into an Evita-style power-broker. Nigel Planer potters around effectively as the not-so-wonderful wizard and Adam Garcia endows the male romantic interest, Fiyero, with a louche charm. Joe Mantello's direction and Eugene Lee's clock-based designs do their work efficiently.

(Source: The Guardian)

The Evening Standard
Nicholas de Jongh from The Evening Standard has a more positive view, and although he doesn’t feel the songs are very memorable, he gives the production 4 out of 5 stars. - I pleasurably recall the climactic, closing minutes of the first act when Idina Menzel's spectacular, green-faced Wicked Witch of the West, who slips easily into a pointy black hat, shoots into the rainbow-coloured air on her broomstick. She sings, as she goes, a hymn to getting the better of the world - Defying Gravity - while her black cloak grows at least 12 feet tall. She is poised to lead the fight against Nigel Planer's bland but sinister Wizard of Oz who looks like George Bush and whose mission to cage all animals has made him her public enemy number one.
Yet Defying Gravity, with unexceptional musical accompaniment and just competent lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, has already left my mind. For Wicked, it turns out, belongs in a rare pantheon of musicals in which the music does not matter much. Only Dancing Through Life, with lyrics that urge you to keep smiling through, ranks as memorable.
If Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang are far more to my deeply juvenile tastes, when it comes to inventive make believe Wicked more than lives up to its name. Joe Mantello's production expertly marshals this remarkable kaleidoscope of magical shocks, surprises and sensations. Wicked works like a dream.

(Souce: The Evening Standard )

As we all know, a critic’s review doesn’t always give an indication of whether a show will be a success or failure. The general public may well have another view on the same production. It is probably best to go to the Apollo Victoria theatre to see Wicked and judge for yourself.
*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

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Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 19:39

BWW TV: WICKED Flies Into London!
http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/BW ... n_20061002



Scrubs-Star schwärmt von Idina
von Urs am 4. November 2006, 13:08

Urs hat geschrieben:Zach Braff, der Hauptdarsteller der Comedy-Serie "Scrubs", schwärmt auf seiner Homepage von seinem "Wicked"-Besuch und ganz besonders von Idina Menzel:
[...] So: Europe was a whirlwind. Mostly junkets and hotel rooms. But I did see the play “Wicked” while in London. Now I know I’m a musical theater geek- it’s really how I got into theater in the first place- but if you appreciate an amazing voice and you’re gonna be in London between now and December than you really have to go see Idina Menzel singing the lead role in ‘Wicked”. Sure, it’s a little hokey in parts, but all good musicals are. This woman has one of the SICKEST voices on planet Earth. She won the Tony for originating this part on Broadway and this is probably the last time you’ll ever get to see her do it. I loved London, Paris and Hamburg. I want to go back when I can really hang out. [...]


PS: Und er liebt Hamburg... :) Er hat Geschmack!


*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

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Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 19:40

West End Rekord
von Urs am 31. Oktober 2006, 19:24

Urs hat geschrieben:
A Tony award-winning musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz has achieved the highest box office takings in West End history, its producers say.
Wicked took £761,000 during its eight performances at the Apollo Victoria Theatre last week, a record for a show on the London stage, they claim.

Based on Gregory Maguire's best-selling novel, it explains why one witch was good, while the other became wicked.

It has been seen by more than 130,000 people since its debut on 7 September.

The Broadway version of Wicked became the highest-grossing show in New York musical history, and the original cast recording won a Grammy award.

Quelle: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertai ... 102128.stm

von spooky am 3. Januar 2007, 16:10
spooky hat geschrieben:http://broadwayworld.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=14703

* For the week ending 28 October 2006, WICKED grossed £761,125 at the Box Office, setting a new record for the highest weekly 8 performance gross in West End theatre history.

* For the week ending 23 December 2006, WICKED broke its own 8 performance record with a weekly gross of £761,370.

* For the week ending 30 December 2006, WICKED played 9 performances and set a new West End record and a new house record with a gross of £873,020.

WICKED has already been seen by over a quarter of million theatregoers since its first public performance on 7 September 2006, grossing almost £10 million at the Box Office in just over 16 weeks.
*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 20:18

Idina - back to London!
von Bianca am 3. Februar 2007, 11:02
Bianca hat geschrieben:... zwar nicht als Elphaba bei Wicked, aber in einem Concert von Josh Groban am 12.02.2007 im "Mermaid" in London

Mehr Infos hier:


Dieses Konzert wird am 16.02 um 19:30 Uhr über BBC2 live übertragen, soweit ich weiß kann man dies als Livestream in sehr guter Qualität im Internet anhören...

Mich wundert es nur, dass es Idina so schnell zurück nach London zieht...


Neue Preise und neuner Saalplan ab 12/07
von lacisum am 24. März 2007, 13:04
lacisum hat geschrieben:http://www.theatremonkey.com/APOLLOVICTORIAstMAP.htm

Der Saalplan wird wieder geändert und dann gibt es im Parkett alle PKs vor allem am Rand. Interessant ist das 15 Pfund Tickets im Rang dann 30 Pfund kosten.

Sind die wirklich so gut. ich kann es erst im Mai testen und zahl noch 15 Pfund für Reihe P46 im Rang
*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 20:23

Susie Blake wird Mme Morrible ab 2.4.
von Urs am 1. Februar 2007, 23:00

Urs hat geschrieben:
Susie Blake will star as Madame Morrible in the hit musical Wicked at London's Apollo Victoria Theatre from Monday, April 2 2007.

For the past four years, Susie Blake has been playing Beverley Unwin in "Coronation Street." Amongst her numerous other television appearances, Blake has played regular roles in Victoria Wood's "As Seen on TV" series and various specials. Some of her recent theatre work includes playing BeLinda Blair in Michael Frayn's Noises Off, directed by Jeremy Sams, at the National Theatre, on national tour and at the Piccadilly Theatre and the national tour of High Society, directed by Ian Talbot, playing Mother Lord.

Miriam Margolyes will play her final performance as Madame Morrible on Saturday, March 31 2007.

Wicked has already been seen by over a quarter of a million theatregoers in London since its first public performance on 7 September 2006, grossing over £10 million at the Box Office and twice setting new West End Box Office records for highest weekly gross.

"Based on Gregory Maguire's acclaimed novel, the spellbinding Wicked tells the incredible untold story of an extraordinary friendship between two girls: the blond and popular Glinda and the misunderstood green girl, Elphaba, whose destiny is to become the Wicked Witch of the West," press notes state.

The show currently stars: Kerry Ellis as Elphaba, Helen Dallimore as Glinda, Adam Garcia as Fiyero, Miriam Margolyes as Madame Morrible, Nigel Planer as The Wizard, Martin Ball as Doctor Dillamond, James Gillan as Boq and Katie Rowley Jones as Nessarose.

Wicked is presented in London by: Marc Platt, Universal Pictures, The Araca Group, Jon B. Platt and David Stone.

Visit http://www.wickedthemusical.co.uk for more information.


Bianca hat geschrieben:Hier die ersten Bilder von Susie Blake als Mme. Morrible:

*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 23:32

Sammelthread für Onlinebuchung

von Noor am 7. Januar 2007, 14:05
Noor hat geschrieben:Hallöchen!
Hab mal gedacht, es sei ganz praktisch hier mal alle Möglichkeiten aufzulisten, wo man online Tickets für WICKED buchen kann.

Ich fang mal einfach an:

Philipp hat geschrieben:


*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 23:32

Kritiken zur neuen Cast
von Urs am 26. Juli 2007, 15:11
Urs hat geschrieben:http://www.whatsonstage.com/index.php?pg=207&story=E8821159433566&title=Wicked

*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

Re: "Londoner" - Links

Beitragvon lunalunaris » So 31. Jan 2010, 23:35

Re: Neue Fotos der OLC
Bianca hat geschrieben:Zwar von der Stage veröffentlicht, jedoch aus London. 3 Fotos von den 4 habe ich persönlich noch nie gesehen. Wirklich sehr schick!

Bild Bild

Bild Bild


Photo Flash: West End 'Wicked' Celebrates 1st Birthday

http://westend.broadwayworld.com/articl ... y_20070907

Photos: WOS Best Musical Wicked Hits First Birthday
http://www.whatsonstage.com/index.php?p ... t+Birthday
*you´re not green,
you´re just misunderstood, remember that*
Wicked-Counter : 2,03... falls BoM auch zählt *ggg*

3x Schuh des Manitu ; 2x DD(Berlin) ; 1x BoM 2010 - Berlin ; 9x WWRY - Berlin

Beiträge: 3133
Registriert: Di 29. Dez 2009, 16:29
Wohnort: berlin-chen

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